Tired of high electricity bills and irresponsible consumption by your guests? We have the solution!

Energy Saving Solutions for Tourist Apartments

Domoticaencasa, Sensalora and Domodesk want to be your reliable partner in energy saving solutions for tourist apartments. We are here to help you reduce your expenses and maximize your profits by eliminating energy waste in your vacation rental properties.

pisos turísticos

Energy Optimization for Tourist Apartments

At Sensalora, we understand the unique challenges that vacation rental and condo owners face. Our approach is focused on the optimization of the air conditioning and the control of energy consumption to guarantee a perfect balance between the comfort of your guests and energy efficiency.

Smart Solutions for Sustainable Savings

Our energy saving systems are designed to offer you the control you need over the air conditioning of your properties. With cutting-edge technology and smart devices, we offer customized solutions that are tailored to your specific needs.

pisos turísticos

Solutions for Energy Saving for Tourist Apartments

Keep control over your guests’ comfort while reducing energy consumption. Define your own automations and manage the system yourself.

No monthly costs!

Sensalora Consumption Limiters

Our innovative solution allows you to put an end to wasted air conditioning. Thanks to intelligent technology, presence detectors and window sensors, the air conditioning automatically adjusts according to the presence of your guests.

SensaloraWindow SL-0149

Detects and controls inappropriate use of air conditioning when windows and doors are open. Prevents energy waste by turning off equipment when it is not necessary.

Join the Energy Saving Revolution!

If you are the owner of tourist apartments, hotel or rural house manager, Sensalora is your strategic ally. Contact us today and find out how we can help you reduce your energy costs and increase your profits without compromising the quality of your guests’ experience.

Get in touch with us for a free and personalized consultation! Together, we can make your properties more efficient, sustainable and profitable. Don’t let energy waste affect your business. Sensalora is here to make a difference!

Benefits of Choosing Sensalora

No monthly costs

Keep control over your guests’ comfort while reducing energy consumption. Define your own automations and manage the system yourself.

Guaranteed Savings

Our customers have experienced savings of up to 53% on their electricity bills. Don’t let uncontrolled consumption affect your profits.

Comfort and Satisfaction

Keep your guests comfortable and satisfied while reducing operating costs.

Remote management

Control your air conditioning and heating systems from anywhere through an intuitive mobile app.

Ecology and Sustainability

Contribute to the reduction of environmental impact by optimizing the use of energy in your properties

open up a new world

Once familiar with the system, we have more surprises for you, the application will allow you to continue growing in management systems for your tourist apartments, from remote management of guest entry and exit, to anything you can imagine, in fact we use standard systems that allow the integration of hundreds of thousands of different compatible devices, (we are not exaggerating).

Contact us

Whether you are a vacation rental owner, tourist property manager or hotel owner, or simply want to control your air conditioning consumption, Domoticaencasa through Sensalora and our company Domodesk, with more than 25 years of experience, is here to help you. Our experts will guide you through the customised solutions that best suit your needs.


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