Control your Air conditioning consumption.

We have energy saving solutions based on the optimisation, with state-of-the-art domotic systems, of the misuse of air conditioning and heating systems in hotels, rural houses and tourist flats.

consumo aire acondicionado

Optimization of Air Conditioning Consumption in Tourist properties with Sensalora

Welcome to Sensalora, your ally in optimizing air conditioning consumption and reducing energy costs in tourist properties. Are you tired of facing exorbitant electricity bills due to misuse of air conditioning by your guests? Do not care anymore! Our state-of-the-art systems are designed to solve this problem efficiently and cost-effectively.

What will you achieve by improving your air conditioning consumption?

Find out everything that Sensalora can improve in your home or tourist apartment

Energy Saving and Comfort

We offer advanced home automation to keep your guests comfortable and reduce energy costs. Control the air conditioning with automation and smart sensors to optimize consumption.

Avoid Energy Waste

Sensalora combats waste by automatically turning off the air conditioner when it's not needed. Say goodbye to unnecessary costs and contribute to the environment.

Remote and Efficient Control

Control the air conditioning from anywhere by using an APP that will open up a world of possibilities for you, and that you will be able to configure yourself. Avoid surprises on your bills and maintain full control over energy consumption in your tourist properties.

How your improvement in air conditioning consumption translates...

Expenditure on your electric bill
- %
Satisfaction in your customers
+ 0 %
CO2 emissions
- 0 %

Get an unbeatable experience for your Guests

At domoticaencasa, we understand the importance of offering an exceptional experience to your guests. Our approach is based on the balance between energy saving and comfort. With some of our systems, you will be able to influence small details, for energy savings in air conditioning, with kinetic systems without batteries or any type of power that will take care of AA spending with open windows, or with a simple special magnetic card holder so that nothing it stays on when the guests leave, and if you want, with our most advanced systems, you will be the one who determines the thousands of things you can do to control the cost of your home, thus avoiding unnecessary waste.

Achieve tangible results

Domoticaencasa through Sensalora offers real and measurable savings on your electricity bills, allowing you to reduce operating expenses and increase your profits. With our innovative technology, you can save up to 53% on the electricity bill of your tourist properties.

pisos turísticos

Contact us

If you are the owner of vacation rentals, tourist property manager or hotel owner, or simply want to control your air conditioning consumption, Domoticaencasa through Sensalora and our company Domodesk, with more than 25 years of experience, is here to help you. Our experts will guide you through the customized solutions that best suit your needs.


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